Do Lawyers Need e-Books?
If you're an attorney, your practice could benefit from using e-books as lead-generating tools. Here's why. Do Lawyers Need e-Books? People who need lawyers are generally in crisis – but they may not be quite ready to talk to someone when they find your website. That’s where a good e-book comes in. An e-book is your chance to show that you’re a caring, extremely knowledgeable attorney who isn’t afraid to [...]
Angie Papple Johnston’s Content Marketing Certification
When you need a copywriter, you need someone who understands content marketing - someone who can actually get you results. That's me.
Super-Common Prefixes That Can Help You Figure Out What Words Mean
In ASVAB For Dummies, I coach you through common prefixes so you can figure out what unfamiliar words mean. The strategy of using prefixes (along with word roots and suffixes) works really well for everyone - even if English isn't your first language, you can pick apart words and use their prefixes to help you define them. Super-Common Prefixes That Can Help You Figure Out What Words Mean Check out [...]
ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) FAQ
If you're scheduled to take the ACFT, you probably have a lot of questions about how it all works - so here's what you need to know. ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test) FAQ These are pretty common questions about the ACFT. I address them in ACFT For Dummies, but in case you haven't gotten around to getting the book yet, I'll answer them here: What score do you need to [...]
Now Hiring: Virtual Assistant
Hiring a virtual assistant! Approximately 2 to 4 hours per week commitment, although it may vary by a couple hours. This is a temporary job that may last several months. Primary Tasks Your job will be to: Format pre-written material for publication on the internet (such as turning headlines into H2 and H3 headers and making links open in new pages) Post pre-written material to WordPress websites, as well as [...]
How to Create an E-Book
If you're like many business owners, you want to know how to create an e-book – not just to offer to your existing clients, but to market to new clients. You need an e-book (or a few of them) because: E-books help you generate leads. In fact, they’re one of the best ways for you to capture leads. When you offer your prospective clients something valuable, they’ll be more than happy [...]
English is Hard. Hiring a Writer is Easy.
English is hard, but hiring the best copywriter is easy. Call 808-542-5975 right now or explore my copywriting prices and rates to find out whether working with a professional writer is in the cards for you. (Check out my real estate blog post packages, too, which are the same across all industries!)
How to Use Google’s New Keyword Planner Interface as of March 2018
Transcript: Hi, this is Angie from Unique Web Copy, and I wanted to show you really quickly that Google has unveiled a new interface for AdWords, and it's obviously a very valuable tool when you're trying to structure your website content and your blog posts that attract search engine traffic. How to Use Google's New Keyword Planner Interface as of March 2018 So here's how you use the new interface. [...]
How NOT to Market Your Services
Link schemes are bad. Spam marketing emails are bad, too. So when I get emails from people who want to write a “guest post” on my website because they want to get a backlink, I’m automatically suspicious. I don’t mind linking to something valuable, but I’m not dragging my site into the mud to link to someone who clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing. Spam Marketing Emails: They Don’t Work. [...]
Why a Strong SEO Foundation Really Pays Off
I recently had the pleasure of writing about a 14,000 square-foot home in a cozy little community near Houston. It's a gorgeous house (the pool... unbelievable!) and it was a lot of fun to write about. My SEO Experiment The broker who found me to ask me to write her luxury real estate listing description typed hire a real estate writer into Google. If you've been reading this blog, [...]
Should You Use a Content Site Like MySmartBlog?
Should you use a content site like MySmartBlog? Hell no. Here’s why. “In some cases, content is deliberately duplicated across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.” You know who said that? […]
What’s the Worst Thing You Can Hear When You’re Wearing a Bikini?
What's the worst thing you can hear when you're wearing a bikini? "Good for you."