It’s All a Matter of Perspective!
Read this from top to bottom. When you're done, read it from bottom to top. I prefer the bottom-to-top version. And I love the way the English language works. Today was the absolute worst day ever And don't try to convince me that There's something good in every day Because when you take a closer look This world is a pretty evil place. Even if Some goodness does [...]
Mobile Search Data and Your Website Copy
If you've been keeping up with trends, you know that mobile is the wave of the future present. Everybody has a mobile phone -- and staggering numbers of purchasing decisions are made while people are browsing on smartphones. But what if your website copy isn't optimized for mobile devices? I guess you're out of luck, then. How Can Website Copy Be Optimized for Mobile? It's common knowledge that Internet [...]
I Will Neither Confirm Nor Deny…
...that someone working for Unique Web Copy has found a new hobby. Is it wrong to laugh when someone puts googly eyes on products at Target?
These Are Some Tasty-Ass Crackers
If you're really hungry, you could get some yummy-ass cheese to put on them.
Tattoo Fail: Their vs. There
It's cool that they're keeping it all in the family. "Their is no better friend than a sister..." "...and their is no better sister than you."
Drive Thru Corrected to Drive Through
Does it count as vandalism when you're just fixing an intentionally committed mistake? (Just for the record, I didn't do this.)
“Nobodies Perfect” – Funny (but Permanent) Spelling Mistake
Nobodies perfect... but some people have more obvious issues than others do. This probably wouldn't be too hard to fix, though.
How to Find the Right Neighborhood in Hoboken
If you're a Realtor(R), you probably understand how important it is to populate your site with informative, engaging blog posts. If you can't afford to hire a real estate writer, you can put together great posts yourself -- and here's one you can use as a springboard. People devour information such as "How to Find the Right Neighborhood in Hoboken," and you want to be the only Realtor for miles [...]
Sample Realtor Blog Post About Luxury Condos in Hoboken
If you're a Realtor(R), you probably already know that it's a good idea to build up your blog. Your potential clients want to know everything about the area, and a post about luxury condos (in Hoboken, for this example) is a great way to draw in traffic and show off your unique knowledge of the area. Try the same on your own blog... but make sure you change all the [...]
Sample Blog Post for a Realtor’s Location
If you're a Realtor(R) and you want to start branching out your blog, which is always a good idea, a post like this is a great fall-back. Feel free to take this idea and run with it using public parks in your own city. It's good for your SEO and it's good to show your clients that you really know your areas. Weehawken is a rare gem in that [...]
Cutest Kid at the Mall
This poor little dude. How cute is this?
Press Releases: You Need a Good Distribution Service
While your press releases do need quality content to succeed (there are three essential elements to a successful press release), don't overlook the fact that you should hire a professional press release service if you want to maximize your exposure. A service such as PRWeb, which I usually recommend to all my clients, can be an invaluable asset. It's not cheap, though. However, they can get a press release featured [...]
3 Key Components of a Successful Press Release
If you're writing a press release for your business, it must have the three key components of any successful press release: 1. News 2. Hard facts 3. Quotes News in a Press Release Journalists are inundated with press releases that aren't "newsy" enough. While something might feel like news to you, make sure it's really newsworthy (read: it's something that people would find interesting in a newspaper). What's newsworthy? Things [...]
Synonym Rolls?
Apparently they come out the same every time, no matter how you bake them.