There are more than 14 trillion indexed pages on the Internet.
Yep. You read that right — 14 TRILLION.
It’s no wonder there’s a digital content explosion happening now, and you need to be right in the center of the blast radius in order to take advantage of it.
But are you?
Does anyone even know that your site exists?
If they do know it exists, are you using it to your advantage by showing them you’re the one?
The Digital Content Explosion
When you give consumers something cool to read, watch or play online, they love it. It doesn’t cost them a dime, but they’re getting something out of it.
They are getting something out of it, right?
If you’re populating your website with valuable content, they are. They won’t stick around if you’re not; they’ll move on faster than you can say “lost profits” to find someone who’s giving them what they want.
Getting People to Stick Around
The key to successful content (and a successful ride on the fallout of this digital content explosion) is to engage them. Teach them. Show them that you can connect with their problems and actually solve them.
If your website copy, blog posts and other types of digital content are doing that, you’re going to make more money. And when you make more money, you can buy more product. When you buy more product, you can sell more product.
You get where I’m going with that.
Here’s the bottom line: you can’t afford to miss this boat. Make sure you’re giving your customers–the people who find your website among the other 14 trillion sites online–something that shows them you’re the one.