It’s not uncommon for business owners to write their own website content. Of course, I don’t want them to (for obvious reasons) — but sometimes hiring a copywriter just isn’t in the budget.

That’s okay. We all had to start somewhere.

But don’t overlook this one very important piece of advice:

If you are writing your own content, get someone else to look at it before you publish it.

Maybe you wrote “the the” or made a glaring grammatical error. Perhaps you used the wrong your or you’re. Maybe you didn’t make any technical mistakes at all, but the sentences just don’t flow.

If you don’t write website copy for a living, you can’t afford not to have a friend look over what you’ve created. Even professional writers use editors (I do, and she’s amazing) because it never, never hurts to have a fresh pair of eyes scanning your work for problems that everyday readers might have.