I write four blog posts per month and include custom images for a pet-friendly REALTOR® in Boca Raton. These posts are designed to target homebuyers who want to live in pet-friendly communities, as well as sellers in Boca Raton, Delray Beach and the surrounding communities. I conduct in-depth keyword research using Moz Pro and [...]

Community Pages for Vermont REALTORs®
Angie Papple Johnston2021-11-10T14:42:13+00:00I wrote six pages of community content for a Vermont luxury REALTOR® to bring in search engine traffic, encourage people to click through to listings, and increase the agents' business. Each page is integrated with IDX Broker functions, including property carousels and Saved Searches. Are You a REALTOR® Who [...]

Community Write-Ups to Get Real Estate Agents Leads
Angie Papple Johnston2020-12-11T05:01:50+00:00I wrote six pages of community content for a Sevierville REALTOR® to bring in new leads. Each page encourages people to click through using IDX Broker's tools, such as property carousels and Saved Searches. The result: Increased business, more sales and higher income for the agents. Are You a [...]

Community Pages for Nashville-Area REALTOR®
Angie Papple Johnston2020-12-11T04:39:34+00:00I wrote 30 pages of community content for a Nashville REALTOR® to bring in search engine traffic, encourage people to click through to listings, and increase the agents' business. Each page is integrated with IDX Broker functions, including property carousels and Saved Searches. Are You a REALTOR® Who Needs [...]