Hire Someone to Write Website CopyAs a business owner, knowing the difference between copy and content is vital. Well, maybe not vital — but it can help you decide exactly what you need (and where you need it) on your website.

What is Website Copy?

Website copy is a compilation of engaging text that motivates people to buy what you’re selling. It includes a clear call-to-action so your readers know exactly what you want them to do. And if it’s particularly well-written copy, they’ll do it.

What is Website Content?

Website content has two definitions. First, it refers to the big picture: it’s everything on your site. But it also refers to something specific — informative, engaging text that isn’t necessarily selling something. It helps you paint a picture for your visitors.

Copy vs. Content

Let’s look at the main differences between the two.


  • uses motivational language
  • is designed to sell a product or service


  • is largely informative
  • is designed to paint you as the subject-matter expert

Examples of website copy include:

Examples of website content include:

  • News
  • About Us and company information pages
  • Buyers’ guides, how-tos and articles
  • Some blog posts

Choosing Between Website Copy and Website Content

Ask yourself what you need each page on your site to do for you.

  1. Is there a product or service you’re trying to sell on that particular page?
  2. Do you want your readers to take a specific action based on what they’ve read?
  3. Are you primarily educating your readers on what your business is all about?
  4. Are you providing inside information that will help your readers see you as the subject-matter expert?

Divided They Fall

Copy and content go hand-in-hand. In most cases, you shouldn’t do one without the other. You need to balance your salesmanship with relationship-building. That means you need content to show them why they should work with you and copy to give them the opportunity.

Does all that make sense? What’s your take on content vs. copy?